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Voice menus
You can customize an automated answering system for any phone line that is a valid FirstClass Unified Communications number.
For a detailed sample voice menu, including how it was planned, programmed and recorded, see the FirstClass Unified Communications User Guide.
Creating a voice menu
1       Open the Voice Greetings folder for the user whose valid FirstClass Unified Communications number will be the incoming number for the voice menu.
2       Create a new folder called "Voice Menus" inside the Voice Greetings folder.
This folder must always be called "Voice Menus". If there is no Voice Menus folder in the Voice Greetings folder, your voice menu will not work.
3       Create a new folder inside the Voice Menus folder.
Give this folder a unique name that identifies the voice menu.
If you have several voice menus, they must each have a separate folder inside the Voice Menus folder.
4       Open the folder you created in step 3.
Choose Message > New Document Special > Voice Menu to create a new voice menu in this folder.
5       Complete the Voice Menu form.
You must fill in all fields on the General tab and all fields on each of the appropriate numbered tabs.
6       Create voice prompts in their associated documents.
To create voice prompts, follow these steps:
1       Open a new document inside the folder containing this voice menu (the folder created in step 3).
2       Drag the split bar down to reveal the document information fields. Enter the following information:
Give this document the same name as you did in the appropriate field on the General tab (Main greeting) or numbered tab (First part of prompt, or Second part of prompt).
This field can be left blank, or you can enter comments to help you identify where the prompt contained in this document fits into your voice menu.
3       Type the prompt script in the document body.
For example, the script for your Main greeting could be similar to,
"Thank you for calling Husky Planes. The office is now closed. Our regular hours are Monday to Friday 8 AM to 6 PM."
81203_42521_14.png        Note
If you do not record the prompt but it is typed in the document body, the prompt will play by text-to-speech.
4       Record the prompt:
•       Choose Edit > Insert > Insert Voice.
•       Click Record to start recording.
•       Record the prompt as written in the document body.
•       Click Record again to stop recording.
5       Play the recording to check the quality.
Ensure that there is no silence recorded at the beginning or end of the .wav file. Silences will cause your voice menu to be choppy, with lengthy pauses within and between the prompts. If the prompts have been recorded too loudly, the playback will be distorted.
6       Close the document.
Ensure it is in the folder for the correct voice menu. If you are recording prompts for a submenu, ensure the document is in the submenu folder.
7       Repeat this process for each prompt.
7       Create associated documents required for specific actions. See the form help for information.
To create the associated document:
1       Open a new document inside the folder containing this voice menu (the folder created in step 4)
2       Drag the split bar down to reveal the document information fields. Enter the following information:
Give this document the same name as you did in the Use with field on the numbered tab.
This field can be left blank, or you can enter comments to help you identify where this document fits into your voice menu.
3       Type the announcement or help script in the document body.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
If you do not record the prompt but it is typed in the document body, the prompt will play by text to speech.
4       Record the announcement or help script:
•       Choose Edit > Insert > Insert Voice.
•       Click Record to start recording.
•       Record the prompt as written in the document body.
•       Click Record again to stop recording.
5       Play the recording to check the quality.
If the script has been recorded too loudly, the playback will be distorted.
6       Close the document.
Ensure it is in the folder for the correct voice menu. If you are recording prompts for a submenu, ensure the document is in the submenu folder.
7       Repeat this process for each announcement or help script.
8       Upload faxes if required.
If you have used the Receive Fax action on a numbered tab, the name of the document containing the fax or announcement must be entered in the "Document name" field of that tab.
Follow these steps to create the document:
1       Open a new document.
2       Drag the split bar down to reveal the document information fields.
Enter the following information:
Name this document the same as you did in the Use with field.
You can leave this field blank, you can enter comments to help you identify where this document fits into the voice menu, or you can add comments about the contents.
3       Anything written in the document body will be sent as a cover page.
4       Choose File > Attach file to upload the fax file.
5       Close the document.
6       Ensure it is in the folder for the correct voice menu.
9       Create a new greeting for your voice menu and activate your voice menu.
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Do not do this for submenus.
Once the Voice Menu form has been completed and all the prompts have been recorded and attached to documents residing inside your voice menu folder (inside the Voice Menus folder), you can activate your voice menu. To do this, create a new voice greeting using the standard Voice Greeting form.
Complete the form as follows:
You can choose options on the General tab and the Scheduling tab, but the Call Handling and Faxes tabs are not applicable to voice menus. The Addressing Options field on the General tab is not applicable to voice menus.
Enter the following values:
Enter the name of the voice menu. This will be the name of the folder you created inside the Voice Menus folder in step 4, as well as the Name from the General tab of the Voice Menu form.
Greeting Type
Choose Voice Menu.
Choose Enabled.
10      Test all options in your voice menu to ensure the correct prompts play for the correct options and that all transfer numbers are correct.